BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

ALT TABATA (:20 work, :10 rest)

MOVT 1- Jumping Jacks → Mountain Climbers

MOVT 2- Alt Groiners → Alt Lunges



:30 Pec Smash w/ Lax Ball R/L (or 1:00 Mobility)

10 Scap Push-Ups

5 Slow Push-Ups


Metcon (5 Rounds for weight)


7 Bench Press (Athlete Choice)

14 Tempo DB Bent Over Row (1111) (Athlete Choice)

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

(Score is Load for Bench)

Bench Press — athletes should be able to complete all 7 reps each set- the weight should be moderate-heavy based on the athletes’ skill/strength.

DB Bent Over Row — the tempo should dictate the load today- keep the load to something that will allow athletes to complete all 14 reps maintaining the control of the 1111 tempo.

Bench Press — we can sub Deadlift if unable to Press. If equipment is a constraint, we can sub DB Floor Press or KB or use a bag of some kind. You can even press plate but gotta move slow.

DB Bent Over Row — we can sub Ring Rows if an athlete is unable to support the Bent Over Row Position. or use kb or the bag option again.


Metcon (Time)


30 Burpees*

20 Sit-Ups

25/20 Cal Bike

*Burpees go down by 10 reps each round…30-20-10. Situps and Bike Cals stay the same each round.

(Score is Time)

*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Burpee — athletes should be able to complete 30 Burpees in :90 or less on the first round- scale the volume accordingly to allow athletes to move consistently.

Sit-Ups — athletes should be able to complete 20 reps unbroken every round- scale the volume accordingly.

Cal Bike — athletes should be able to complete 25/20 cal under :90 each round- scale the volume accordingly.

*Movement Adjustments*…

Burpee — we can sub Up-Downs, or Box Jumps if an athlete is unable to perform Burpees.

Sit-Ups — we can sub a Plank Hold or Shoulder Taps.

Cal Bike — if equipment is a constraint, we can sub Cal Row (same calories) or 400/300m Run.

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