BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit
General Warm-up (No Measure)
1 set:
1:00 bike or row, slow
10 alternating Spiderman stretches
5 wall-facing squats
1 set:
1:00 bike or row, moderate
10 inchworms
5 wall-facing squats
1 set:
1:00 bike or row, fast
10 scap pull-ups
5 wall-facing squats
250106 (Weight)
– RX –
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Min. 2 | 5 front squats (165/245 lb)
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | 10 pull-ups
Min. 2 | 5 front squats (125/185 lb)
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | 6 jumping pull-ups
Min. 2 | 5 front squats (65/95 lb)
– MASTERS 55+ –
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Min. 2 | 5 front squats (125/185 lb)
Stretching (Checkmark)
1:00 foam rolling quads
1:00 banded hamstring stretch/leg
30 alternating scorpion stretches
– AT-HOME – (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM 16:
Min. 1 | :30 DB hang power cleans (35/50 lb)
Min. 2 | :30 DB front squats
– Use two DBs.
Work Your Weakness
– STAMINA I – (Time)
10 sets for time:
500/600-meter C2 bike
:30 rest
– All sets under 1:30.
– Start at a conservative pace and increase your pacing after the first couple of sets.
– Find a pace that you can maintain, challenging yourself to not deviate from that pace by more than 5 seconds in either direction.
– C2 bike modifications: 700/1,000-m Assault bike, 700/1,000-m Echo Bike, 250/300-m row, 250/300-m ski