BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit
General Warm-up (No Measure)
1 set:
200-meter run, slow
10 leg swings/leg
10 lateral leg swings/leg
10 alternating lunges
10 hamstring scoops/leg
10 alternating Cossack squats
10 hamstring kick-ups/leg
200-meter run, moderate pace
1 set:
5 calf raises
10 alternating plate toe taps
10 alternating plate step-ups
5 step-ups + squat landing
5 plate jumps + step down
5 plate jumps + squat landing
250123 (Time)
– RX –
For time:
15 box jumps (30/30 in)
400-m run
20 box jumps (24/24 in)
400-m run
25 box jumps (20/20 in)
400-m run
For time:
15 box jumps (24/24 in)
400-m run
20 box jumps (24/24 in)
400-m run
25 box jumps (20/20 in)
400-m run
For time:
10 box jumps (12/12 in)
200-m run
12 box jumps (8/8 in)
200-m run
15 box jumps (4/4 in)
200-m run
– Use 1-2 stacked 45-lb plates to preserve the jumping stimulus for those able to jump but not to the full box height.
– MASTERS 55+ –
For time:
15 box jumps (24/24 in)
400-m run
20 box jumps (20/20 in)
400-m run
25 box jumps (12/12 in)
400-m run
– Jump or step up and step down.
Skill Work (Checkmark)
8 sets:
:20 hollow hold
:10 rest
Stretching (Checkmark)
1:00 foam roll calf/leg
1:00 lacrosse ball roll/foot
– AT-HOME – (Time)
For time:
15 object jumps
400-m run
20 object jumps
400-m run
25 object jumps
400-m run
– Jump onto or over a thigh-height object.