CrossFit – Sat, Feb 1

BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit

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General Warm-up (No Measure)

50 feet of each:

Jog x 2

Skipping high knees

Lateral shuffle/direction

Toy soldiers

Samson lunges (10 lunges then jog)

Crawling Spiderman lunges (10 lunges then jog)

Bear crawl

Bunny hop

Broad jump (5 jumps then jog)

Burpee broad jump (5 jumps then jog)

1 set:

10 standing calf raises/leg

:30 band pull-aparts

Partner Muscle-up ToeToBiathalon (Time)

– RX –

For time:

400-m run

18 Syncro TTB

400-m run

15 Syncro TTB

400-m run

12 Syncro TTB


5 rounds for time:

400-m run

9 Syncro TTB


4 rounds for time:

400-m run

12 Syncro Situps

– AT-HOME – (Time)

For time:

400-m run

18 double-dumbbell devils presses (35/50 lb)

400-m run

15 double-dumbbell devils presses

400-m run

12 double-dumbbell devils presses

– Partners run together and share devils presses as needed.

Work Your Weakness

– STRENGTH II – (Time)

10 sets:

Sled push (75 ft)

Sled pull (75 ft)

– Add 50/90 lb to the sled.

– Rest 1:00 between sets.

– Add a rope or a ring + strap to the sled to pull it and then keep the rope or ring on the sled while you push. The pull should be a backpedal, not an over-the-shoulder drag.

– Feel free to add additional load to the sled as long as you can keep moving.

Stretching (Checkmark)


:30 banded overhead stretch/side

:30 bent-arm pec stretch/side