CrossFit – Wed, Feb 19

BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit

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General Warm-up (No Measure)

1 set:

400-meter jog

1 set:

10 jumping jacks

10 alternating Spiderman stretch + reaches

10 air squats

5 scap pull-ups

10 jumping jacks

10 alternating Samson lunges

10 air squats

5 inchworm + push-ups

10 jumping jacks

10 alternating scorpion stretches

10 air squats

5 scap pull-ups

1 set:

200-meter run

250219 (Time)

– RX –

For time:

400-m run

30 box jump-overs (20/24 in)

400-m run

30 toes-to-bars

400-m run

30 double-DB thrusters (20/35 lb)


For time:

400-m run

30 box jump-overs (20/24 in)

400-m run

30 knees-to-chest

400-m run

30 double-DB thrusters (15/25 lb)


For time:

200-m run

20 box step-overs (12/20 in)

200-m run

20 hanging knee raises

200-m run

20 double-DB thrusters (10/15 lb)

– MASTERS 55+ –

For time:

400-m run

30 box jump-overs (20/24 in)

400-m run

30 toes-to-bars

400-m run

30 double-DB thrusters (10/20 lb)

Skill Work (Checkmark)



30 DB renegade rows
2 sets:

:30 Spiderman stretch/side

:30 foam roll calf/side

Stretching (Checkmark)

2 sets:

:30 Spiderman stretch/side

:30 foam roll calf/side

– AT-HOME – (Time)

For time:

400-m run

30 object jump-overs (20/24 in)

400-m run

50 v-ups

400-m run

30 double-DB thrusters (20/35 lb)

Work Your Weakness

Back Squat (- STRENGTH II –
Back squat


– Welcome to week one of the second 2025 Strength 2 lifting cycle where we shift from the deadlift to the back squat.

– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 5 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.

– Rest as needed between sets.