We could not be happier to have Jamie as a member at BayWay CrossFit. She is a pleasure to have and has an impressive fitness story. She always has a smile on her face and is a friend to everyone. Thank you, Jamie, for being such an awesome member and a big supporter of BayWay CrossFit!

First Name & Last Initial
Jamie S
Home Town
When did you start CrossFit?
May 2015
When did you start at BWCF?
What are your favorite movements or workouts?
Deadlift, Pushups, and HSPU
What are your least favorite movements or workouts?

Tell us about your sports & fitness background?
I was always overweight and had no sports or fitness background when I started CrossFit. In 1999 I began a weight loss journey. Weightless surgery, diets, and traditional gym workouts lead to great weightless results, but I was becoming bored and hitting a wall with my results. After starting CrossFit, my goals shifted dramatically! I was no longer just trying to become smaller; I was now motivated to be stronger. CrossFit has helped me overcome some mental blocks and fears. I am more confident in what I am capable of doing, and this outlook has translated over to my career, relationships, and overall view of myself.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD…what was it, and how did it feel?
My dear friend, who has now passed away, introduced me to CrossFit. I was unable to do any of the movements. My coach was very patient and modified all my WODs at the beginning. It became common knowledge that there was a WOD and then he would say ‘except for JAMIE.’ He had his hands full with me. I would carry around a small notebook with details of all the movements we had done. The language was hard for me to remember. I would watch youtube videos of what movements were in the WOD that day. It was quite comical at the beginning, and I still have trouble remembering all the CrossFit lingo.

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit?
I have become so much stronger! I have been able to lose weight and build muscle. Overall CrossFit has changed the way I view fitness. Fitness is mostly mental for me now. If I can overcome the negative thoughts and doubts I have about myself and my ability, then true health becomes easier to attain.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were unexpected?
I did not expect to meet such amazing people. Inside and outside of the gym the BayWay CrossFit community is outstanding! I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from people who strive for more every day. They have such a passion and perseverance to reach their goals.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit/BayWay CrossFit moments?
I think my favorite moments at BayWay are those everyday moments. Coming in after work and getting to workout with my BWCF family. Or waking up on Saturday and knowing I will be getting stronger, faster, and better with a group of really great friends.
Any advice for people just getting started?
I think my advice would be to remember that we all start on different levels and that is ok! What we all have in common is the choice to be consistent and show up and not give up. I would also say that “True grit is born out of failure”… and man will know you fail!!!! Facing the fear of failure was a big part of it for me, but there are great things on the other side of that fear.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?
I am a member of the Houston Rucking Club, and I enjoy getting out in the sun and putting in some miles.

You are my hero!