CrossFit – Mon, Jan 13

BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit

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General Warm-up (No Measure)

2 sets:

:30 jumping jacks

5 inchworm + push-ups

:20 Samson stretch/leg

10 alternating Cossack squats

10 Superman arch-ups

10 deadlifts

Every 2:00 x 4 sets:

:30 bike

– Rest the remainder of each set.

– Begin at a warm-up pace and progress to a 90% effort by the final set.

250113 (Time)

– RX –

3 rounds for time:

24/30-cal bike

15 hang power cleans (105/155 lb)


3 rounds for time:

24/30-cal bike

15 hang power cleans (75/115 lb)


3 rounds for time:

16/20-cal bike

12 hang power cleans (35/45 lb)

– MASTERS 55+ –

3 rounds for time:

24/30-cal bike

15 hang power cleans (75/115 lb)

Stretching (Checkmark)


1:00 elbow-to-instep/side

1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side

– AT-HOME – (Time)

3 rounds for time:

50 walking lunge steps

15 double-DB hang power cleans (35/50 lb)

Work Your Weakness

Clean and Jerk (- STRENGTH I –
Clean and jerk
Wave 1:
72% x 3
77% x 2
82% x 1

Wave 2:
77% x 3
82% x 2
84% x 1

Wave 3:
82% x 2
87% x 1
92% x 1
Heavy single x 1)

– Welcome to week two of the 2025 Strength 1 lifting cycle. The next four weeks will be dedicated to the clean and jerk following a wave-loading template. Week five will be a deload week and then in week six, we will test our 1-rep clean and jerk.

– Use a recent max or heavy single for your percentages.

– If the percentage calls for more than a single rep, they are meant to be completed as unbroken, touch-and-go reps.

– Rest as needed between percentages and waves.

Deadlift (- STRENGTH II –


– Welcome to week two of the 2025 Strength 2 lifting cycle. The next four weeks will be dedicated to the deadlift following a progressive-loading template with decreasing reps and increasing loads. Week five will be a deload week and then in week six, we will test our 1-rep deadlift.

– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 4 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.

– Rest as needed between sets.

– STRENGTH III – (5 Rounds for weight)

5 sets:

5 bench presses

5 weighted dips

– Increase loading across as many sets as possible.

– Perform dips on rings or straight bars.

– Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

– Do not push to failure unless you have a spotter. If you do not have a spotter, you can still perform the session, but leave some gas in the tank to avoid failure.

– Bench press modifications: Load, dumbbell bench or floor press
Record bench press load.

– SKILL I – (Checkmark)

3 sets:

:20 ring plank hold, right arm

:20 ring plank hold, left arm

:20 L-sit hold

10 strict toes-to-bars

– For the ring plank holds, lower a single ring down to a few inches off the ground. To decrease the difficulty, maintain a rigid body position but walk your feet forward, making your body more upright as opposed to horizontal.

– To reduce the difficulty of the L-sit, extend a single leg or tuck your knees toward your chest.

– To scale the strict toes-to-bars try to bring your toes or knees up as high as possible.

– STAMINA I – (Time)

2 sets for total time:

200-meter run

400-meter run

800-meter run

100-meter sprint

– Rest 1:00 between each distance.

– 23:00-30:00 (including rest).

– Run each distance as hard as you would in a workout.

– The longer the distance, the slower your pace. Try to hit these time goals:

– 200 meters in :45-1:15.

– 400 meters in 1:15-1:45.

– 800 meters in 3:00-4:00.

– 100 meters in :15-:30.

– Run modifications: Distance, substitutions

– Equipment substitutions: 1) C2 Bike | 400 m, 800 m, 1,600 m, 200 m; 2) Row | 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 100 m; 3) Ski | 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 100 m