BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit
General Warm-up (No Measure)
1 set:
200-meter run, slow
10 PVC pass-throughs
10 PVC good mornings
10 PVC hang muscle snatches
10 alternating Spiderman stretches
10 counterbalance plate squats
1 set:
10 PVC pass-throughs
10 PVC good mornings
10 PVC muscle snatches
10 alternating Samson stretch lunges
10 counterbalance plate squats
200-meter run, fast
Skill Work (Weight)
5 sets:
1 squat snatch
2 overhead squats
Nancy (Time)
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#
– RX –
5 rounds for time:
400-m run
15 overhead squats (65/95 lb)
5 rounds for time:
400-m run
15 overhead squats (55/75 lb)
5 rounds for time:
200-m run
10 overhead squats (35/45 lb)
– MASTERS 55+ –
5 rounds for time:
400-m run
15 overhead squats (45/65 lb)
Stretching (Checkmark)
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm
– AT-HOME – (Time)
5 rounds for time:
400-m run
8 single-arm DB overhead squats, left (35/50 lb)
8 single-arm DB overhead squats, right
Work Your Weakness
– STRENGTH III – (4 Rounds for weight)
4 sets for load:
1:00 kettlebell front-rack hold
15 sumo stance good mornings
– Use the heaviest pair of kettlebells possible that allows for a challenging but manageable unbroken 1-minute hold.
– Use an empty barbell on the first set of sumo stance good mornings; add weight as long as the reps stay unbroken and snappy.