CrossFit – Sun, Jan 26

BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit

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General Warm-up (No Measure)

2 sets:

1:00 row

10 Samson stretch lunges

10 PVC overhead squats (weight in heels)

10 strict sit-ups (minimal arm movement)

10 good mornings (neutral spine)

10 strict pull-ups, using the feet for assistance as needed (full range of motion)

10 strict ring dips, using the feet for assistance as needed (full range of motion)

250126 (Time)

– RX –

For time:

2,000-m row

– Every 2:00 including 0:00, perform a :20 support hold on the rings.


For time:

1,600-m row

– Every 2:00 including 0:00, perform a :15 support hold on the rings.


For time:

1,000-m row

– Every 2:00 including 0:00, perform a :15 feet-supported hold on the rings.

– MASTERS 55+ –

Same as Rx’d

Stretching (Checkmark)

2 sets:

:30 lacrosse ball chest mash/side

:30 doorway pec stretch/side

– AT-HOME – (Time)

For time:

2,000-m run

– Every 2:00 including 0:00, perform a :20 straight-arm plank hold.