CrossFit – Sun, Oct 20

BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit

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Suggested Warm-Up

Warm-Up (No Measure)

Bike Tabata (:20 ON / :10 OFF) x 8 SETS

-Goal is to go from EZ pace to Workout Pace by last round-



10 Box Step Overs

10 Up-Downs

10 DB Bent Over See-Saw Rows*

10 Alt. DB/KB Suitcase DL

*Switch to DB Slides in round 2

Workout – All

AMRAP x 25 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

50/40 Cal Bike

40 Box Step-Overs (Athlete Choice)

30 Up-Downs

20 No Push-Up DB Renegade Rows (Athlete Choice)

100m DB/KB Suitcase Carry (Athlete Choice)

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

Partner Finisher – All

AMRAP x 8 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

100 Russian Twists

*P1 completes the Russian Twists while P2 holds a Plank. Once reps are completed athletes switch.

(Score is Rounds + Reps)