CrossFit – Thu, Jan 23

BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit

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General Warm-up (No Measure)

1 set:

200-meter run, slow

10 leg swings/leg

10 lateral leg swings/leg

10 alternating lunges

10 hamstring scoops/leg

10 alternating Cossack squats

10 hamstring kick-ups/leg

200-meter run, moderate pace

1 set:

5 calf raises

10 alternating plate toe taps

10 alternating plate step-ups

5 step-ups + squat landing

5 plate jumps + step down

5 plate jumps + squat landing

250123 (Time)

– RX –

For time:

15 box jumps (30/30 in)

400-m run

20 box jumps (24/24 in)

400-m run

25 box jumps (20/20 in)

400-m run


For time:

15 box jumps (24/24 in)

400-m run

20 box jumps (24/24 in)

400-m run

25 box jumps (20/20 in)

400-m run


For time:

10 box jumps (12/12 in)

200-m run

12 box jumps (8/8 in)

200-m run

15 box jumps (4/4 in)

200-m run

– Use 1-2 stacked 45-lb plates to preserve the jumping stimulus for those able to jump but not to the full box height.

– MASTERS 55+ –

For time:

15 box jumps (24/24 in)

400-m run

20 box jumps (20/20 in)

400-m run

25 box jumps (12/12 in)

400-m run

– Jump or step up and step down.

Skill Work (Checkmark)


8 sets:

:20 hollow hold

:10 rest

Stretching (Checkmark)


1:00 foam roll calf/leg

1:00 lacrosse ball roll/foot

– AT-HOME – (Time)

For time:

15 object jumps

400-m run

20 object jumps

400-m run

25 object jumps

400-m run

– Jump onto or over a thigh-height object.

– STAMINA I – (2 Rounds for calories)

5 sets for max calories:

3:00 air bike

– Rest 1:00 between sets.

– 30-50 calories each set.

– Consistent paces across the 3-minute effort.

– Build stamina and conditioning.

– Increase the pace with each effort; sets 4 and 5 should be at a challenging pace you can still hold for the entire 3 minutes.

– Keep your chest high and push/pull with your arms and legs.

– Air bike modifications: Echo bike, Assault bike, C2 Bike, ski, row, run

– STRENGTH III – (2 Rounds for weight)

5 sets for completion:

Sandbag carry (100 ft) (100/150 lb)

10 heavy Russian kettlebell swings

– Rest 1:00 between sets.

– This should feel like a mini workout that elevates your heart rate with relatively heavy loads that make it challenging to move quickly.

– Use a sandbag load that is challenging but allows you to complete the carry without breaking.

– Use a heavier-than-usual kettlebell load for the swings.

– Swing the kettlebell to anywhere around shoulder height.