BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
50’ Side Shuffles (25’ down/ 25’ back)
25’ Forward Run
25’ Back Pedal
10 Alt. Plank Shoulder Taps
5 Tuck-Ups + V-Ups
5/5 Single Arm Ring Row
3-4 SETS (:20 ON/:10 OFF)
MOVT 1 – Up-Downs
MOVT 2 – Kip Swings
MOVT 3 – Ring Rows
*1 SET = MOVT 1-3.
Workout – All
TABATA (8 SETS / :20 ON/ :10 OFF)* (AMRAP – Reps)
TABATA 1 – Up-Downs
TABATA 2 – Toes to Bar or Toes to Something
TABATA 3 – Shuttle Runs**
TABATA 4 – Ring Rows***
*Complete a full Tabata before moving to the next after 1:00 rest.
**1 Rep= 25′ Down.
***Option for Strict Pull-Ups or Strict Chin-Ups
-Rest 1:00 b/t Tabatas-
(Score is Total Reps)
Post-Workout Strength – All
3 SETS (No Measure)
15-20 Empty Barbell Reverse Curls
12-15 Empty Barbell Upright Rows
8-12 SLOW Barbell Cheater Curls
-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)