BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit
General Warm-up (No Measure)
2 sets:
20 jumping jacks
10 steps banded monster walk forward
10 steps banded monster walk back
10 banded hip bridges
10 sumo stance good mornings
10 alternating plank hold shoulder taps
250304 (Time)
– RX –
For time:
Deadlifts (85/115 lb)
– Complete 2 wall walks after each set.
For time:
Deadlifts (65/95 lb)
– Complete 2 wall walks after each set.
For time:
Deadlifts (55/75 lb)
– Complete 6 alternating plank hold shoulder taps after each set.
– MASTERS 55+ –
For time:
Deadlifts (65/95 lb)
– Complete 2 wall walks after each set.
Skill Work (Checkmark)
200-m single-arm KB front-rack carry
– Switch arms as needed.
Stretching (Checkmark)
2 sets:
:30 Samson stretch/side
:30 elevated pigeon stretch/side
– AT-HOME – (Time)
For time:
DB deadlifts (35/50 lb)
– Complete 2 wall walks between each set.
– Use two dumbbells.
Work Your Weakness
– STAMINA I – (Calories)
12 rounds for calories:
:30 bike
:30 rest
– 8-10+ calories per round.
– Built-in rest allows you to hit the :30 of work hard every round.
– Test your redline.
– Expect some falloff in the final rounds, but try to keep pushing all the way through.
– Test your capacity and push that redline.
– Make the most of recovery time, using the 30 seconds of rest to slow your heart rate and control your breathing.
– Bike modifications: Row or ski for calories