BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit
General Warm-up (Checkmark)
2 sets:
5 inchworm to push-up + down dog
10 PVC pass-throughs
5 inchworm to push-up + down dog
10 PVC around-the-worlds
5 inchworm to push-up + down dog
10 PVC snatch grip behind-the-neck presses
Hang Power Snatch (- RX –
10 rounds:
3 hang power snatches
– Lift every 2:00.
– Build in load if technique allows.
Same as Rx’d”
Same as Rx’d
Skill Work (Checkmark)
8 sets:
:20 plank hold
:10 rest
Stretching (Checkmark)
1:00 cobra stretch
:30 foam roll lats/side
– AT-HOME – (Checkmark)
Every 2:00 for 10 rounds:
5-10 left-arm DB hang power snatches
5-10 right-arm DB hang power snatches
Work Your Weakness
L-Sit (- SKILL I -)
3:00 L-sit hold
– Perform the L-sit by using a pair of parallettes, hanging from a pull-up bar, or in any way you can get yourself off the ground. Use a variation for the entire 3 minutes that allows you to hold the L-sit for at least 10 seconds and no longer than 40 seconds. Rest as needed, but pick up where you left off until you accumulate 3 minutes of work.