Team Tuesday!

BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Teams of 2:

90s on Each Movement for Max Reps:

1. Front Squat 95/65

2. Rope Climb

3. Cal Row

4. SDHP 95/65

5. TTB

6. Run Meters

7. Push Ups

8. Bike Cals

9. OH Squats 95/65

10. DB Thrusters 45/20
The Goal will be to start each team on an odd number movement. If there are more people then we will have to start some people on movements back to back.

We will score everything by reps so you will need to keep track of the reps for all 10 Stations.

Only one person can work at a time on each team, and there will be no rest periods between 90s rounds.

The run will be scored by the number of cones you pass. You do not have to run all the way down and back you just have to run past a cone.