
BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit

Today we will be doing a WOD in memory of one of our most loved members Vanessa Morales. She passed away two years ago and will be remembered by us with this workout every on her birthday, July 12. This workout is made up of movements that Vanessa loved and movements that she loved to hate…


(No Measure)

30 Jump Split Squats

20 Push Ups

10 Burpees


Vanessa (Time)

For Time:

800m Run

50 Deadlifts 225/155

25 V-Ups

50 Wallballs 20/14

25 T2B

800m Run

50 Squat Jumps 20/14

25 Russian Twists 20/14

50 Pullups

25 Med Ball Situps

800m Run

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