BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard General Warm-up (Checkmark) 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 alternating Cossack squats :30 shoulder presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 air squats :30 push presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. Specific Warm-up (No Measure) Snatch | Progression :20 setup hold // Heels down, shoulders in front of the bar, visible lumbar arch. 5 snatch-grip deadlift-shrugs // Shrug the shoulders only after the hips and knees are fully extended. 5 muscle snatches // Deadlift smoothly from the setup to the mid-thigh, then extend the hips and knees rapidly before shrugging and pulling the bar overhead. 3 overhead squats // Maintain locked-out arms at the bottom of the squat. 5 squat snatches // Jump hard to extend...
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard General Warm-up (Checkmark) 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 alternating Cossack squats :30 shoulder presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 air squats :30 push presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. 241126 (2 Rounds for weight) – RX – For load: Snatch – Build to a 1-rep-max Clean and jerk – Build to a 1-rep-max – INTERMEDIATE – Same as Rx’d – BEGINNER – 5 sets: 3 snatches 5 sets: 3 clean and jerks – MASTERS 55+ – Same as Rx’d Stretching (Checkmark) 1 set: 1:00 child’s pose 1:00 couch stretch/leg Snatch Clean and Jerk – AT-HOME – (AMRAP – Reps) EMOM 20: Min. 1 | :45 alternating DB squat snatches (35/50 lb) Min. 2 |...
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard General Warm-up (Checkmark) 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 alternating Cossack squats :30 shoulder presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 air squats :30 push presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. Specific Warm-up (No Measure) Snatch | Progression :20 setup hold // Heels down, shoulders in front of the bar, visible lumbar arch. 5 snatch-grip deadlift-shrugs // Shrug the shoulders only after the hips and knees are fully extended. 5 muscle snatches // Deadlift smoothly from the setup to the mid-thigh, then extend the hips and knees rapidly before shrugging and pulling the bar overhead. 3 overhead squats // Maintain locked-out arms at the bottom of the squat. 5 squat snatches // Jump hard to extend...
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard General Warm-up (Checkmark) 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 alternating Cossack squats :30 shoulder presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 air squats :30 push presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. Specific Warm-up (No Measure) Snatch | Progression :20 setup hold // Heels down, shoulders in front of the bar, visible lumbar arch. 5 snatch-grip deadlift-shrugs // Shrug the shoulders only after the hips and knees are fully extended. 5 muscle snatches // Deadlift smoothly from the setup to the mid-thigh, then extend the hips and knees rapidly before shrugging and pulling the bar overhead. 3 overhead squats // Maintain locked-out arms at the bottom of the squat. 5 squat snatches // Jump hard to extend...
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard General Warm-up (Checkmark) 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 alternating Cossack squats :30 shoulder presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. 1 set: :30 inchworms :30 push-ups :30 air squats :30 push presses – Hold the bar overhead for at least :01 at the top of each rep. Specific Warm-up (No Measure) Snatch | Progression :20 setup hold // Heels down, shoulders in front of the bar, visible lumbar arch. 5 snatch-grip deadlift-shrugs // Shrug the shoulders only after the hips and knees are fully extended. 5 muscle snatches // Deadlift smoothly from the setup to the mid-thigh, then extend the hips and knees rapidly before shrugging and pulling the bar overhead. 3 overhead squats // Maintain locked-out arms at the bottom of the squat. 5 squat snatches // Jump hard to extend...
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