BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 4 ROUNDS* :15 Scap Pull-Ups** :15 Burpees :15 Sumo Stance Good Mornings :15 Sumo Air Squats *1 Round = all 4 movements **In 3rd & 4th rounds, switch to Kip Swings Into… 2 ROUNDS 5 Empty Barbell Deadlifts :15 Hollow Hold + :15 Superman Arch Hold 5 Empty Barbell Sumo Deadlifts 10 Kipping Knee or Straight Leg Raises* *In 2nd round, switch to Toes to Bar/Something Extended Warm-Up – All EVERY 2:00 FOR 4 SETS (No Measure) 3-5 Sumo Deadlifts* + 1 Rep of Gymnastics Complex *Start Moderate-Heavy & Build to Workout Weight. Options for Complex… 2 Toes to Bar + 1 Bar Muscle-Up Or… 2 Toes to Something + 1 Pull-Up (No Measure) Workout – Performance ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK… (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 75 Toes to Bar -Immediately Into- AMRAP w/ Time Remaining… 1-2-3-and so...