Announcements CrossFit Open Friday Night Lights 2/25Jail Break Run 5k 2/26 BayWay CrossFit – 60 Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 1:00 Walking Lunges w/ Arm Crosses 1:00 Slow PVC Passes 1:00 Perfect Air Squat w/ Wide Grip Press at Bottom* *Squat down with PVC on shoulders, at the bottom of the squat…press the PVC to the OH position then pull back down, stand. Repeat for the rest of the minute. -Quick Rest (grab/pick-up barbell)- AMRAP x 3 MINUTES 10 Jumping Jacks 5 Behind Neck Wide Grip OH Press (w/ barbell) 10 Alt. Groiners Strength Overhead Squat (3×6*) *All working sets @ Mod-Heavy weight. If you have a 1RM OHS, this should be roughly 85%. Focus on perfect movement. Week 4 of 8 (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (Time) 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 6 Power Snatches (115/75)|(75/55) 8 Alt. Back Rack Lunges* 10 Overhead Squats *Each step = 1 Rep (Score is...