BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 10 DB Strict Presses 10 V-Ups 5/5 Single Arm DB Bent Over Rows 10 Scap Pull-ups or Shoulder Shrugs :30 Hollow Hold Strength Metcon (Weight) 5 x 3 Weighted Strict Pull-up (Score is Load) Workout Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 21 MINUTES MIN 1 – 200m Run MIN 2 – 15 Box Jumps (24/20) MIN 3 – Gymnastics Pull (Athlete Choice)* *Athlete can choose 10 Strict Pull-up, 10 Strict Ring Row, or 10 DB Bent Over Row every round. (No Measure)Options: *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Pull-Ups — we want to keep the strict stimulus, so we can decrease the volume or do these unweighted if needed. Box Jump — we can decrease the height of the box, or decrease the volume to allow the reps to be completed under :45. Athlete Choice — athletes should choose...