BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-Up Warm-Up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 8 Jumping Air Squats 4/4 Single Arm Ring Rows 8 Barbell Strict Press 8 Up-Downs Into… 1 ROUND 8 Slow Barbell Front Squats 8 Ring Rows or 4-8 Strict Pull-Ups 8 Barbell Push Press (Slow Lower) 8 Burpees Extended Warm-Up – All EMOM x 8 MINUTES (No Measure) MIN 1 – 3 Thrusters (Build to Workout Weight) MIN 2 – Complete one of the below Complexes… Option 1… 1 Ring Kip Swing + 1 Hips to Rings + 1 Kipping Ring Muscle-Up Or… Option 2… 1 Kip Swing + 1 Big Kip Swing + 1-2 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (No Measure) Workout of the Week – Performance “MYMC 22.3” (Time) 15 ROUNDS FOR TIME 1 Ring Muscle-Up 3 Thrusters (135/95)|(95/65) 6 Burpee Over Bar (Score is Time) MU Option 1: Jumping Muscle-Up MU Option 2: Burpee...