My 2019 goal was to read a book a month. It didn’t matter what it was all; I just wanted to read a little more this year. I started strong, reading my first five books in less than three months but finished the year slow, a classic new year’s resolutions move. Here is my list of books I made it through this year, my takeaways, and reading suggestions from my list. I hope I do not offend any of you with a few of these titles. Some books I listened to and some of them I read. Listening is great for commuting to work, but at 3:45 am, the narrator has to be pretty upbeat, and that is hard to find with non-fiction books. Clock Work: Design Your Business to Run Itself – Mike MichalowizThe Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents Are Going Broke – Elizabeth WarrenToilet Paper Entrepreneur – Mike...