Announcements September 6th – Start of “Lazy Macros Challenge” – $20 Entry BayWay CrossFit – Free Trial View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) 3 Rounds 1:30 Stations :30 Rest b/t Stations No Rest b/t Rounds STATION 1 MAX Alt. Single DB FR Lunges STATION 2 :45 Side Plank (R) :45 Side Plank (L) STATION 3 MAX Alt DB Snatch STATION 4 :45 Plank :45 Superman Hold Metcon (No Measure) 3 Rounds 1:30 Stations :30 Rest b/t Stations No Rest b/t Rounds STATION 1 MAX Alt. Single DB FR Lunges STATION 2 :45 Side Plank (R) :45 Side Plank (L) STATION 3 MAX Alt DB Snatch STATION 4 :45 Plank :45 Superman Hold Metcon (No Measure) 3 Rounds 1:30 Stations :30 Rest b/t Stations No Rest b/t Rounds STATION 1 MAX Alt. Single DB FR Lunges STATION 2 :45 Side Plank (R) :45 Side Plank (L) STATION 3 MAX Alt DB...
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Announcements September 6th – Start of “Lazy Macros Challenge” – $20 Entry BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 100m Run 10 Lunges 10 Scap Ring Rows 8 Single Ring Ring Rows Into… 2 ROUNDS 100m Run 8 Russian KB Swings 8 KB Goblet Squats 8 Scap Pull-Ups 8 Kip Swings Strength Back Squat (1×5 @ 60%) 1×5 @ 40%* 1×5 @ 50% 1×5 @ 60% *Based off of 90% of Heavy 1-Rep **Add 5-10lb to the working weight today. Week 8 of 9 (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (Time) 7 ROUNDS FOR TIME 10 KB Goblet Squats 5 Bar Muscle-Ups RX: 53/35 RX+: 70/53 BMU Option 1: 5 Jumping BMU BMU Option 2: 10 Pull-Ups or C2B Pull-Ups
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Announcements September 6th – Start of “Lazy Macros Challenge” – $20 Entry BayWay CrossFit – Open Gym Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) Activation: Banded Glute Work Banded Shoulder Activation 3 SETS: 250m Row 5 Ring Row / Strict Pull-up / Kipping 7 Push-up / SA DB Press / BB Press 9 Air Squat / DB Goblet / Front Mobility: Foam Roll Banded Front Rack Couch Stretch Workout Jackie (Time) For Time: 1000m Row 50 Thrusters, 45# 30 Pull-upsContinue on with Jackie Plus & Jackie Plus Plus
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WHAT IS IT? This challenge was designed by OptimizeMe Nutrition and focuses on ensuring a baseline level of fruits, veggies, and protein every day — without weighing and measuring everything and without restricting anything! Hence, it’s “lazy” but still offers significant results.  It combines the #800gChallenge® (eating 800 grams, by weight, of fruits and veggies each day) with a protein target.  By setting a target on these underrepresented items in most diets, the overall quantity is reduced as well as a more even macronutrient balance is achieved. In addition, points are awarded for working out AND achieving enough sleep – an important and overlooked aspect to one’s goals. Therefore, the Lazy Macros Challenge tackles the 4 major areas (diet quality, diet quantity, exercise, and sleep) that affect the goals most everyone wants: better body composition, performance, and overall health. Here’s a one-sheet with all the rules and scoring details. DATES...
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Teen Excel Class is a strength and conditioning program designed for both athletes and non-athletes ranging from ages 12-18. The program combines age-appropriate weightlifting and gymnastics with high-intensity training to deliver optimal fitness and performance. We will focus on teaching proper techniques so that we can optimize power and strength outputs. Teaching young people to move their bodies through space and then objects around their bodies is key to developing as an athlete or growing as a person. The program will be generalized, and not sports specific, but that does not take away from its validity. This will improve the athletic capabilities of any kid but also grow the fitness of a teen that is a non-athlete by teaching them to move and teaching them how to live a healthy lifestyle. I ran this program last year with a small private group and had a lot of success with each...
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