BayWay CrossFit – Free Trial Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 SETS 10 PVC Pass Thru 10 Alt Groiner Stretch 10 Step Back Burpee Into… 4 SETS* 5 Empty Barbell Strict Press 10 Inch Worms (No Push-Up) 20 Alt Box Step Ups *Progress to 10 Box Jumps for Sets 3 & 4. S2OH PROGRESSION: – BB STRICT PRESS – DIP, DRIVE – PUSH PRESS – DIP, DRIVE, DROP – PUSH JERK – DIP, DRIVE, SPLIT – SPLIT JERK Strength Shoulder to Overhead (3-3-3-3*) *Taken from the rack. Build to a Heavy 3-Rep. (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 30 Box Jumps 24/20 40 Shoulder to Overhead 30 Box Jumps *Every 1:30 starting at 0:00, perform 3 Front Squats RX: 115/75 RX+: 155/105*Movement Adjustments*…- — Strength — If overhead pressing is a no-go today, we can sub Bench Press with DBs or a Barbell, or DB or KB Floor Press....