BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 ROUNDS 1:00 Row, Bike or Run 8/8 Single DB Crossbody DL** 8/8 Single DB Alt. Hang Snatch 8/8 Single DB Strict Press 16 DB Slides (in plank position) Then review each movement in the Workout… 2 ROUNDS :30 Jump Rope (Single Unders, High Single Unders, Double Unders) :30 Slam Ball or DB DL :30 Slam Ball or DB Thruster Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 100 Double Unders 50 Slam Balls 50 Walking Lunges 50 Wall Ball w/ SB* 100 Double Unders 40 Slam Balls 40 Walking Lunges 40 Wall Ball w/ SB 100 Double Unders 30 Slam Balls 30 Walking Lunges 30 Wall Ball w/ SB *If possible, use the Slam Ball as the object for the WB Toss to mix it up! If not, use a standard WB (20/14)|(14/10). (Score is Time)Options: *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Double Unders — athletes should...