BayWay CrossFit – HOME Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS (w/ KB or Backpack) 2:00 Run, Bike, or Row 8 KB Deadlift 16 Push-up Plank KB Taps 8 Box Step Overs or Alt Jumping Lunges Partner Workout Metcon (Time) PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 2… FOR TIME* 40 Cal. Bike Immediately Into … 6 ROUNDS EACH 10 Russian KB Swing 8 Sit-Ups 6 Box Jump Overs Immediately Into… 400m Run *For the Bike, partners switch every 10 cals. For the Rounds, partners each complete 6 rounds…P1 works while P2 rests then switch. For the Run, partners run together. -16:00 Hard Cap- (Score is Time) Workout – HOME Metcon (Time) FOR TIME* 400m Run Immediately Into … 6 ROUNDS 10 Backpack Russian Swing 8 Tuck-Ups w/ Backpack 12 Alt. Jumping Lunges w/ Backpack Immediately Into… 400m Run (Score is Time)
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 ROUNDS 1:00 Row, Bike or Run 8/8 Single DB Crossbody DL** 8/8 Single DB Alt. Hang Snatch 8/8 Single DB Strict Press 16 DB Slides (in plank position) Then review each movement in the Workout… 2 ROUNDS :30 Jump Rope (Single Unders, High Single Unders, Double Unders) :30 Slam Ball or DB DL :30 Slam Ball or DB Thruster Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 100 Double Unders 50 Slam Balls 50 Walking Lunges 50 Wall Ball w/ SB* 100 Double Unders 40 Slam Balls 40 Walking Lunges 40 Wall Ball w/ SB 100 Double Unders 30 Slam Balls 30 Walking Lunges 30 Wall Ball w/ SB *If possible, use the Slam Ball as the object for the WB Toss to mix it up! If not, use a standard WB (20/14)|(14/10). (Score is Time)Options: *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Double Unders — athletes should...
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BayWay CrossFit – HOME Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) We are using the warm-up today to review the movements for the workout (see the teaching section to review the movements in the warm-up). EMOM x 9 MINUTES Min 1 — :45 Row, Bike or Run Min 2 — :30 Jump Over Erg or :30 Up-Downs Min 3 — :30 Tuck Hold Min 4 — :30 Row, Bike or Run Min 5 — :30 Up-Down over the Erg or :30 Easy Bupress Min 6 — 10 Alt Tuck-Ups Min 7 — :15 Row, Bike or Run (sprint) Min 8 — :30 Burpee over the Erg or :30 Fast Burpees Min 9 — 10 Alt. V-Ups After the warm-up athletes should be ready to go! Workout Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 15 MINUTES MIN 1 – 20/15 Cal. Row MIN 2 – 10 Burpees Over Rower MIN 3 – 15 Alt. V-Ups or...
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BayWay CrossFit – HOME Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Push-up Plank Shoulder Taps 10/10 Alt. Bodyweight Lunges* *Perform these bodyweight, but extend one arm overhead to practice pressing up, with arm locked out as you perform alternating lunges (12 lunges with right arm overhead; 12 lunges with left arm overhead) Into … 2 ROUNDS (w/ DB or Backpack) 40 Single-Unders (Double-Unders in 2nd round) 12 DB Deadlift 12 DB Push Press 12 DB Front Rack Alt. Lunges Workout Metcon (6 Rounds for time) EVERY 2:30 FOR 6 SETS 12 Alt. DB Snatches 12/12 Single Arm Overhead Alt. Lunges 24 Double-Unders (Score is Time Each Set) Workout – HOME Metcon (6 Rounds for time) EVERY 2:30 FOR 6 SETS 12 Backpack Clean & Jerk 12 Backpack Overhead Lunge 24 Mountain Climbers (Score is Time Each Set)
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) QUICK BODYWEIGHT WARM-UP AMRAP x 4 MINUTES 4 Alternating Lunges w/ PVC Pass-Thru 4 Burpees 4 Hollow Rocks 4 Broad Jumps (or Tuck Jumps) -Then into a barbell specific warm-up- BARBELL WARM-UP (can also use DB) 2 SETS 3-5 Reps of Snatch DL (pause at mid-thigh and then complete stand) (or DB DL) 3-5 Reps of Hang + High Pull (DB Hang Hight Pull/arm) 3-5 Reps of Hang Muscle Snatch (DB Hang Muscle Snatch/arm) 3-5 Reps of Behind the Neck Strict Press (DB Strict Press) Strength Hang Snatch (1×3) ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Build to a Moderate-Heavy 3-Rep Hang Squat Snatch HSS in Strength — Can be adjusted a number of ways to meet you needs…if can snatch but not comfortable in the full squat, do power snatch + OHS. You can also switch the movement to Hang Squat/Power Clean +...
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