BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Weightlifting Kneeling Upright KB Press (3 x 10/10 – AHAP – Across) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 12: 10 HSPU (+ Def 6/3″) 20/15 Cal Row 10 Pistol (Alt)
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds: 21/18 AB Cals 15 S2OH 95/65 9 BFB
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP x 4: 18 DL 9 BMU / 18 RD ME Dbl Unders rest 2 Minutes AMRAP x 4: 15 DL 7 BMU / 15 RD ME Dbl Unders rest 2 Minutes AMRAP x 4: 12 DL 6 BMU / 12 RD ME Dbl Unders Deadlift Weights: RX – 205/135 – 255/165The score is the number of Dbl unders you get. If you did singles then divide your reps by 3 and that will be your score. Each AMRAP is only 4 minutes long so during that make sure you are going as hard as you can!
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (4 Rounds for time) 500m Row @ 2k pace or faster – rest 2 minutes between rows*if you have a 2k row time calculate your 500m pace by taking the total time and dividing it by four. For example: I have a 6:45 2k row time. First I need to multiply the 6 minutes by 60. 6*60=360. Then add the additional seconds. 360+45=405. Then divide that by four. 405/4=101*. Then convert that back to minutes:seconds. 101-60=41. 2k pace is 1:41 Weightlifting Overhead Lunge (USE DUMBBELLS – 5 x 50ft lunge AHAP )
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds: 15 PS 75/55 400m Run 15 TTB
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