BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 20 cal bike 400m run 20 cal bike Line Drills: Leg swings Toe touches Lunge back lean back Lunge behind Couch Stretch – 1 min each leg Banded Front Rack – 1 min each arm 2 rounds: 10 hollow arch kips 10 Jumping Air Squats Get barbell: Thruster brief Pullup brief Metcon Fran (Time) 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95# / 65# Pull-upsYou must participate in tabata for Fran score to be input into computer Metcon Metcon (No Measure) Tabata Situps 4 minutes – :20 on :10 offYou must participate in tabata for Fran score to be input into computer
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard KB Carries 3x 200m KB Suitcase and KB Front Rack Carry Metcon (Time) Partner WOD 3 rounds 10 PC (partner holds wall sit) 20 alt box jumps 30 med ball sit-ups over box 50 med ball lunges (partner holds plank)
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 10 Burpees on coaches cadence + 200m skip Line Drills: Side shuffle Spiderman lunge Lungeback Lean Back Lunge Behinds Red Band Glute Warm up: 10 Slow Squats 10 Lateral Walks 10 Forward and Back Pigeon pose, sampson stretch, quad stretch Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX+ AMRAP x 12 9 Air Squats 3 Strict Ring Dips *add 3 reps to each movement each round RX AMRAP x 12 9 Air Squats 3 Ring Dips *add 3 reps to each movement each round SC AMRAP x 12 9 Air Squats 3 Pushups *add 3 reps to each movement each round Cool Down Warm-up (No Measure) 1-2 minutes groin 1-2 minutes pecs
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon Warm-up (No Measure) 100 Singles or 50 Dubs Line Drills: slow bear crawl spider man broad jumps leg swings toe touches duck walk stitch tricep, calves and hamstrings Metcon Metcon (Time) RX+ For Time: 50 Dubs 25 DB Snatch (RA only) 50 Dubs 25 DB Push Press (RA only) 50 Dubs 50 WB 30/20 50 Burpee 50 Dubs 25 DB Push Press (LA Only) 50 Dubs 25 DB Snatch (LA Only) 50 Dubs 50/35# RX For Time: 40 Dubs 20 DB Snatch (RA only) 40 Dubs 20 DB Push Press (RA only) 40 Dubs 40 WB 20/14 40 Burpee 40 Dubs 20 DB Push Press (LA Only) 40 Dubs 20 DB Snatch (LA Only) 40 Dubs 50/35# SC For Time: 50 Singles 20 DB Snatch (RA only) 50 Singles 20 DB Push Press (RA only) 50 Sinlges 25 WB 16/12 25 Burpee...
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BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 1,000m Bike 400m Run 3 rounds: 20 sec hollow rock hold 20 sec superman hold rest 20 sec *roll from hollow to super man on coaches cadence PVC Pipe warm up Metcon Metcon (Time) RX+ For Time: 30-20-10 Deadlift 275/185 Hang Power Clean 185/135 RX For Time: 30-20-10 Deadlift 225/155 Hang Power Clean 155/115 SC For Time: 30-20-10 Deadlift Hang Power Clean Cool Down Warm-up (No Measure) 1-2 mins hamstring 1-2 mins delt smash
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