BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard General Warm-up (No Measure) On a 7:00 clock: 10 arm circles, forward 10 arm circles, backward 5 ring rows 5 up-downs 5 pike push-ups – Perform the pike push-ups from the floor or a box as desired. – Cycle through this warm-up until 7 minutes have passed. Pullup: 10 kip swings // 5 kip swings + 3 kips // 3 paused pull-ups // 5 kipping pull-ups // P under the bar into a sound partial squat as your elbows come through fast. Push Jerk | 5 jump and lands, hands at sides // 5 jump and lands, hands at shoulders // 5 jump, punch, and lands // Jump first, then punch the arms overhead. 8 push jerks, empty bar // 8 push jerks, light load // 6 push jerks, workout weight // 250215 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) – RX – AMRAP 15:...