So its Friday, and it doesn’t feel like Friday. Most weeks end with relief and some congregation, but not this Friday. This Friday, we will all be homebodies, and we will all Netflix and Chill. My sister has been staying with us through this ‘stay at home order.’ As I am sure, you have seen...Read More
BayWay CrossFit – HOME Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS (w/ KB or Backpack) 2:00 Run, Bike, or Row 8 KB Deadlift 16 Push-up Plank KB Taps 8 Box Step Overs or Alt Jumping Lunges Partner Workout Metcon (Time) PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 2… FOR TIME* 40 Cal. Bike Immediately Into … 6 ROUNDS...Read More
BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) Grab a barbell! EMOM x 4 MINUTES MIN 1- 10 Up-Downs MIN 2- 10 Alt Groaners w/ Twist Then … EMOM x 6 MINUTES MIN 1- 5 Romanian Deadlift (or DB) + 5 Hang Muscle Clean (or DB) + 10 Elbow Punches (or DB Strict Press) MIN...Read More
So in my life before coronavirus, I had a rigorous routine. I would wake up at the same time every day and go to bed at the same time. I coached the same classes and had my hours blocked out throughout the entire day around my coaching ours. I even time block my workout time,...Read More
BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 ROUNDS 1:00 Row, Bike or Run 8/8 Single DB Crossbody DL** 8/8 Single DB Alt. Hang Snatch 8/8 Single DB Strict Press 16 DB Slides (in plank position) Then review each movement in the Workout… 2 ROUNDS :30 Jump Rope (Single Unders, High Single Unders, Double...Read More
BayWay CrossFit – HOME Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) We are using the warm-up today to review the movements for the workout (see the teaching section to review the movements in the warm-up). EMOM x 9 MINUTES Min 1 — :45 Row, Bike or Run Min 2 — :30 Jump Over Erg or :30 Up-Downs Min...Read More
Coaching is more than explaining workouts and making sure your athletes are safe. This is why at our gym, we call our instructors Coaches and not Trainers. We are more than a trainer, and because I am a coach, I realize I am so incredibly lucky. I’m trying to find a silver lining here, but...Read More
BayWay CrossFit – HOME Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 ROUNDS 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Push-up Plank Shoulder Taps 10/10 Alt. Bodyweight Lunges* *Perform these bodyweight, but extend one arm overhead to practice pressing up, with arm locked out as you perform alternating lunges (12 lunges with right arm overhead; 12 lunges with left arm overhead)...Read More