
JOIN THE #800gCHALLENGE®   WHAT IS IT? The #800gChallenge was designed by OptimizeMe Nutrition. Eat 800 grams (g) of fruits and/or vegetables, by weight, per day.  No foods are eliminated, but only fruits and veggies count toward the 800g. Eat the fruits and veggies of your choice. Hit the macros you want. Raw, cooked, canned,...
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This time of the year is usually one of the happiest times for me. But this year, it was different. My birthday was this weekend. I turned 31…crazy to think that I am over a third of the way through my life. Coronavirus seriously put a damper on that one. But every year on my...
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With the stay at home order coming down so quickly, hardly anyone was prepared to workout at home. Most people have no equipment because we have gym memberships and have never needed it. Some gyms rented out stuff so that you could stay fit during the crisis but what happens if this resurfaces in the...
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This week will make week three of no gym, and I am very impressed with everyone with their home workouts. I have written blogs and done videos on why home gyms do not work for CrossFit, and I stand by that. We see videos of people like Matt Fraser and Josh Bridges killing it in...
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Here in Texas, we are going into our second week of “Stay At Home,” and its clear most of us are going a little stir crazy. Many of us use the gym as a get-away or stress relief, even if going to the gym means twenty minutes on a cardio machine and aimless wondering for...
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So its Friday, and it doesn’t feel like Friday. Most weeks end with relief and some congregation, but not this Friday. This Friday, we will all be homebodies, and we will all Netflix and Chill. My sister has been staying with us through this ‘stay at home order.’ As I am sure, you have seen...
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So in my life before coronavirus, I had a rigorous routine. I would wake up at the same time every day and go to bed at the same time. I coached the same classes and had my hours blocked out throughout the entire day around my coaching ours. I even time block my workout time,...
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Coaching is more than explaining workouts and making sure your athletes are safe. This is why at our gym, we call our instructors Coaches and not Trainers. We are more than a trainer, and because I am a coach, I realize I am so incredibly lucky. I’m trying to find a silver lining here, but...
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Hey Everyone! So in almost all of my recent emails, I have mentioned coaching you from your home while you’re forced to take time away from the gym. I have received a lot of questions on this, so I want to try and give out some information on what I want to do to help...
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I can’t believe we are already halfway through humpday! This week is flying by, and I hope your week has been great so far! Nutrition is always a topic of discussion in the fitness world because everyone has an opinion on it. It doesn’t matter if you are an everyday member or a fitness expert....
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