
I was watching the news last week when they showed a stat that scared me. It said that at least 10% of the population completely skips breakfast and another 20% eat less than 500 calories for breakfast. Those two stats seems crazy to me but that’s not what scared me. The next stat was, those who skipped breakfast were 4.5 times more likely to be obese than those who did not. To most people the thought is, “I am not hungry in the morning so I don’t eat, and that means I am eating less calories so I will eventually lose weight.” But obviously that is false because almost 24 million people in the US skip breakfast and are obese. Science has shown that if you eat a meal in the morning it will help kick start digestion and fire up your metabolism. It should help you regulate your blood...
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Probably the most stressful weekend of my entire life. CrossFit has been apart of my life since 2010 but it wasn’t until I watched Rich Fronning fall from a rope that I realized I wanted to compete on that stage. Every year I try and every year I get closer and closer but I’ve never been as close as I was this weekend. I am part of an awesome community at BayWay CrossFit but had the opportunity to compete on a team under CrossFit Eado, and it was the best decision I could have made. I would drive five times a week for the last six months back and forth from Baytown to downtown Houston to train with my team. Sacrificing time with my family and my business to try and capture this dream I have been dreaming for so long. We were a team full of very talented individuals...
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What Supplements? If you have been exercising for any extended period of time the same question seems to always present itself, “what supplements should I be taking?”.  I myself have asked this question numerous times.  Let’s first start by saying that supplementation is just that, supplementing.  Whether your goal is aesthetics, performance or just general health it all comes down to what you put on your plate.  Without a proper and appropriate nutritional plan there is no firm foundation to build upon and everything will fall.   Now that the disclaimer is out of the way let’s get to the fun stuff!  I assume that if you are reading this that your primary mode of fitness transportation is CrossFit.  Why do we CrossFit?  One, to lose weight and look great naked.  Two, to compete with others to push ourselves to the next level, and look great naked!  To some degree...
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Athlete Spotlight First Name & Last Initial Kasi B. Home Town Baytown Age 29 (at the time of this survey!) Occupation College and Career Specialist When did you first start CrossFitting? February 2015 When did you first start training at BayWay CrossFit? February 2015 Favorite WOD Anything with body weight movements such as push ups, pullups, handstand pushups, etc. I also like light weight power snatches! Least Favorite WOD Anything with thrusters, and more recently, the assault bike! Tell us about your sports & fitness background? Before discovering crossfit, I had always worked out in the typical gym atmosphere; running on the treadmill until I got bored, wandering over to the stair climber, then lifting some weights, then going home. There was never any consistent structure or programming to my workouts. How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD…what was it, and how...
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Achieving wellness and health with a hectic lifestyle There are 24 hours in a day and in this day and age it seems like every second is precious. With today’s crazy and fast moving life, you have to balance a career, social life, family, and daily chores which has made exercise at the bottom of our societies list. It is often hard to make time to exercise and get at least 30-45 minutes of a decent workout. Some people are fortunate enough to work 9-5 jobs in various fields, but for others, they have to adapt and adjust to ever changing schedules that go along with shift work. These hectic shift work schedules lead to inconsistent sleep schedules, making it nearly impossible to find time to work out and lead a healthy lifestyle… One good quote that I try to stress to people is, “Most people work hard and spend...
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