Thursday HOME

BayWay CrossFit – HOME

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Warm-up (No Measure)


:30 Row Feet on straps (or :30 Backpack Deadlifts)

10 Scap Push-Ups

:30 Row Arms & Hips only (or :30 Backpack Deadlifts)

25ft (:15) High Knees + 25ft (:15) Butt Kickers

:30 Row Arms + Hips + ½ slide in (or :30 Backpack Upright High Pulls)

20 Alt. Skaters

:30 Row *Full Strokes (or :30 Backpack Russian Swings)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


2:00 Max Cal Row

-Rest :30-

2:00 Max Shuttle Runs, 20m

-Rest 1:00-

(Score is Total Calories + Meters)

*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

2:00 may seem like a very long time while you’re in the middle of their swings or shuttle runs. If you are not able to continuously move for at least :30, we should consider decreasing the load or time frame of moving.

*Movement Adjustments*…

Row — If needed, athletes can use the ski erg or bike instead. Slam balls, Russian Swings, or Sumo Deadlift High Pulls are other options.

Shuttle Runs — Pick another machine if they are unable to run – ski erg or bike

Push-Ups — Challenge yourself to scale up or down their push-ups in a different way than how they normally do.

Plank — Athletes can go to their knees but only if they MUST, not because they want to. We can also turn these into side planks or weight planks.

Workout – HOME

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


2:00 Max Backpack Russian Swings

-Rest :30-

2:00 Max Shuttle Runs, 20m

-Rest 1:00-

(Score is Total Swings + Meters)

Optional Finisher

Metcon (No Measure)


10 Perfect Push-Ups

1:00 Plank

-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)