BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit Weightlifting Shoulder Press (4 x 5 – Build to 5RM) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 10: 5 Burpees 10 Hang PC 115/75 30 Dbl UndersRead More
BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit Weightlifting Back Squat (3 x 8 – Try to add weight from last week) Metcon Amanda (Time) 9-7-5 Muscle-ups Snatch, 135#/95# Metcon (Time) Scaled Amanda: 9-7-5 Hang Squat Snach or Power Snatch 21-15-9 Pullup 21-15-9 DipsRead More
BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Teams of 2: 90s on Each Movement for Max Reps: 1. Front Squat 95/65 2. Rope Climb 3. Cal Row 4. SDHP 95/65 5. TTB 6. Run Meters 7. Push Ups 8. Bike Cals 9. OH Squats 95/65 10. DB Thrusters 45/20The Goal will be...Read More
BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Teams of Two: AMRAP x 20: 30 Cal Row 30 SDHP 95/65 30 Dbl Unders 30 Burpee 200m Run 30 Front SquatRead More
BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit Weightlifting Back Squat (2 x 8 @ 10RM from Last Week) Back Squat (2 x 5 @ 10 RM from last Week) Metcon Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds: 20 WB 20/14 10 DL 225/155 – 275/185Read More
BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3 Rounds: AMRAP for 1 Minute on each movement: Air Squats Burpee Pullups Thrusters 75/55 V-Ups rest 1 minute btw rounds Gymnastics Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 10: 2 Muscle Ups + 4 Ring Dips or 10 Ring DipsRead More
This past weekend we held our first ever Field Day competition. It was a weekend full of fun, hard work, and a lot of sun, but everyone worked their butts off and we had an awesome event. We had no idea if the day was going to happen because of the constant rain on the...Read More
BayWay CrossFit Staff – CrossFit Weightlifting Metcon (No Measure) 12 Minutes Total: Grace in remaining time find a 1 rep max Power Clean + Push Jerk Grace (Time) For Time: 30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95# Power Clean + Push Jerk (1RM)Read More