Time and time again I am asked, “What supplements should I be taking?” And although I believe there are a handful out there that you should take the one’s that I believe everyone can and should are BCAA’s and Whey Protein Powder. BCAA stands for “Branch Chain Amino Acids” and in short these are the...Read More
BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (2 Rounds for reps) Partner WOD: AMRAP x 25: Partner 1: 10 Dumbbell Snatch 53/35 10 TTB 10 Lunges 53/35 Partner 2: 400m runThe way this works is partner one begins on the Amrap while partner to is running a 400 m run. Whenever partner to gets back from...Read More
I was watching the news last week when they showed a stat that scared me. It said that at least 10% of the population completely skips breakfast and another 20% eat less than 500 calories for breakfast. Those two stats seems crazy to me but that’s not what scared me. The next stat was, those...Read More