Eli was a good sport and did a quick testimonial after his 6am class last week! He talks about how CrossFit has changed him into staying consistent with his workouts and how he is setting goals to keep him on track. Come check out one of our classes and see what Eli is talking about!Read More
BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Weightlifting Back Squat (4 x 6 – ahap) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 12: 3-6-9-12-15-etc… Thruster 95/65 1-2-3-4-5-etc… RMU Modify with C2B Pullups or reg pull-upsRead More
At Bayway Crossfit, our goal is to educate and inspire you to make fitness a part of your life. As coaches, we believe that if you enjoy your fitness regime, you are more likely to adhere to it. I have been in the fitness community for a good while now and I have always made...Read More
BayWay CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) On a 20:00 Clock: 5 Rounds: 200m Run 30 Dubs 10-2 Power Snatch In the remaining time build to a 1 RM Power Snatch RX 115/80 RX+ 155/105Each round subract 2 reps from the power snatch. Power Snatch (1RM)Read More
Athlete Spotlight First Name & Last Initial Klarissa G Home Town Magnolia, TX Age 27 Occupation Assistant to Global SHE Manager and Safety Standard Document Controller When did you first start CrossFitting? Feburary 2016 When did you first start training at BayWay CrossFit? February 2016 Favorite WOD Anything with...Read More
From nothing but shakes to nothing but protein, I have heard it all. There are tons of “fat loss/weightloss” ideas out there but are any of them real? Here are my top Four Fat Loss myths and why they are not true. Doing tons of sit ups will help me get abs! This is...Read More